5 Ways to Engage with Your Local Community on Instagram

5 Ways to Engage with Your Local Community on Instagram

During our new client consultations, we often get this question: "Can you help us with social media promotions?"

The answer is yes and no!

Yes, ultimately, businesses want to generate sales. Hence promoting your products or services is very important. However, running a social media account for your business/organization is not just about promotions.

Every business or organization has its own unique story to tell. In this digital era, companies and organizations should not lose their authentic voice. Instead, your true stories, values, people behind the counter/computer, and work culture need to be shared in a way that connects the organization with the local communities. If you have different establishments across different locations, you should maintain that shared grassroots voice with the locals.

Let’s take promotions beyond just talking about your products or services. Developing an authentic brand image for our clients on social media is one of our most important missions at Brilliant Marketing. The how-tos look very different for each client, as you all have different stories to tell your audience.

Here are a few tips that I would like to share today.

1. Listen and Respond to Your Customers 📨

When someone shares a comment or feedback, they sure want to be heard, regardless of whether it is a positive or negative comment. Regardless of which social media or other online channels you decide to use, listening and being responsive to your audience should be part of your communications plan. Actively engaging with your audience is a great way to tell them you care!

Thank them when they take the time to tell you how much they like your products or services. And of course, we don’t always hear only positive feedback. It can feel uncomfortable when dealing with those that are not so positive. Work with your marketing and communication specialists to have a plan for managing customer expectations. Remember, they want to be heard!

2. Use the Right Hashtags on Instagram #️⃣

Who is your target audience? What is your target community? What are the topics they are interested in or already engaged with?

Do your research and you will be surprised by how much you learn from even just an hour of digging!

3. Plan Around Upcoming Holidays and Days of Significance 🍩

What is your business going to do for the upcoming holidays and days of significance? Why are these days significant to you and your business?

Let your audience know by planning some posts around those dates. I am sure your audience would love to know more about it!

4. Partner with Local Business Associations 🤝

Are you part of a business district that has a business association? What are they doing in terms of community engagement, both online and offline? What are the opportunities your business can tap into?

Don't forget to make shoutouts for each other on your socials! There might be opportunities that you have not considered before once you start connecting more.

5. Leverage What You Already Know 🗣

One of the best organic ways to attract and connect with new audiences is to share some quick facts about your business, product, or services. This knowledge might feel like your everyday default, but it is not a common understanding for many others!

To think about this from a different angle, when we want to start something new, that first step can feel intimidating. Imagine a local business that shares the basics with you and helps you get started. Wouldn't you feel a lot more welcomed?

Many business owners feel that they just won't have the time to commit to all of these tasks. You are absolutely right; being a business owner is never easy!

Hence, it is important to plan well and prioritize your time and resources effectively. Make plans that are realistic to your current workload so that you will actually commit to it or delegate by finding someone who's the expert to help offload that from your shoulders!


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Brilliant Marketing is a digital marketing agency that helps small businesses elevate their online presence and ultimately, become more profitable.




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